100+ Relationship Quotes Status Collection


Even if you are a thousand miles away, no one could understand my pain better than you.
I’m happy because I have you, I’m sad because of that painful happiness.
Come into my dreams so that I could sleep forever.
You just have to wait for eternity. I have found my eternity.
Even though you are too far, I will find your voice and fall asleep around your door.
I gave my freedom away; now all I could is waiting.
Why days with you pass within a moment, and moments without you feels like an eternity.
I’m here to wait for you, it doesn’t matter how long.
Can I survive without you? My heart and soul says NO.
If you ever feel alone, close your eyes and just feel the presence of my love to you.
This world is crazy, that is why I’m patiently waiting…for you.
It doesn’t matter anymore where you are, because I know that you are always with me.
Don’t be jealous, I cannot cheat myself.
Having a long distance relationship is like a choice between a second with you or eternity in hell without you..
You cannot love without a struggle.
Heaven is the place where we are together 24/7.
I don’t care about time; days are just a scratched numbers until you return.
You cannot get stronger without a fight, you cannot love without distance.
Don’t think as we separated, we just changed the courses, but I will return because I always do.
I don’t need you alone, I want you with me.
I just want to sleep over until you return.
Come back, I’m here waiting.
Love will always find the way.
It doesn’t matter where you are, I’ll be right here in this spot.
I will not repeat myself, I love whenever you are.
I’m not waiting for you to be with me, I’m waiting for us to become one.
When someone is gone, you can at first feel depressed, then alone, and after all these feelings you will understand what means to really love.
I have heard that you lost your heart. Don’t worry it is safe with me.
I hate separation that is why I always disappear first.
Heart gave me your shivering moment. Now I can just wait for an answer.
I have sent a letter and I know that you will answer me.
Don’t cry because of me, I live for you even if I’m not around.
What is next to the moon when you are gone?
I imagine sometimes you and me watching stars in the same time. I wonder what you think, and do we see the same moments in the sky.
Whatever I see it reminds me of you, I don’t really know what to do.
Your face is my inspiration since you have gone I’m just writing.
We are so far away, but so close again.
Don’t worry about me, be yourself, and I’ll be waiting.
I knew that this day will come. Look out of your window, yes that is me.
Distance is the test for a heart.
If you really love me you can wait, if you don’t then you don’t love me that much that you think I’m not worth of your sacrifices. It is simple as that.
Even if my eyes do not see you, my heart understands you.
We don’t have to look at each other all the time. Sometimes distance is great for a relationship because in that particular moment we understand the meaning of love and sacrifices.
If you love someone more than yourself, you have to let him go.
If you really love someone more than yourself, you will not let him leave.
When we got together I thought that it will not stand a chance. And now, we are waiting for each other.
Imagine that you live in the 19th century, what would you do if someone is not close to you?
I love you so much that I don’t care where you go, I’m going with you.
Hell is the heaven without you.
I just want to touch you with my feet. That is the expression of love.
When I return I will be with you forever.
It doesn’t matter where you are; just say my name and my heart will beat faster.
We all have our own ways of fighting relationship diseases. The best way to do it is by laughing. These are funny statuses for any kind of relationship.
I’m in a complicated relationship with myself. We will love each other until death does us apart.
Why I’m not a cat, to spend nine lives with her.
I’m often asked how I could love all these women. However, many forget that relationship is not a measurement unit. You either have it or not.
CHEMICAL DEFINITION OF RELATIONSHIP: Relationship is a toxic substance, dissolved in a dose of jealousy that does not tolerate the presence of the third element.
A great relationship is when your boyfriend says – The only woman I’m going to love after you will be our daughter!
I want to believe that with greater understanding one day, we could reach a peaceful solution to our disagreements.
When you forget what you feel you will know what love is.
For years, I meet people whose names I forget, until I met her and I forgot mine.
My heart belongs only to one person. Me, of course.
Love in a relationship is when a girl has to stand on tiptoe to kiss a boy.
Love in a relationship is when a girl says, I’m fat, a boy reply: You are not.
Only when you feel the touch of the one whom you love, you will realize that the wings can be one’s hands.
You do not call her, she understands. You do not write to her, she understands. You do not have time for her, she understands. If you see her with someone else, you need to understand.
A woman in a relationship wants to experience a novel, man just a short story.
The woman should be loved, not understood.
When he saw her, he became a hunter. When he caught her, he became a prey.
Every relationship has its own ups and downs. We should understand both sides. We present you sad statuses about the relationship:
No matter how hard you try to keep her, you cannot defy fate.
It is hard when you lose a thing; imagine you lose your love one.
I need only a small place in your heart; if you don’t have it please let someone out!
I still feel the same everything, and every habit reminds me of you.
I have planned everything; I’m just waiting for something to go wrong.
He took me by the hand, he said it was over, kissed me and left. But to himself, he knew he was wrong…
It hurts when you know something and not know how to say what… It is same with grief!
Of course that she will say that she is happy for you, she will smile and pretend that everything is fine, but look in her eyes, and she is broken.
I started to write you a message, and delete… I thought that you don’t care.
Disappointment closes your heart and opens your eyes.
I have never loved rainy days. Now I just want to go outside, I don’t care.
I loved her, and she made me a fool.
I don’t like friend zone, what have I done wrong?
I’m not your ex, but the best thing in your life. And you have let me go.
Everybody wants sincerity, and when you tell them all in the face they get angry.
Why should I be sad? I lost someone who never liked me, and he lost the one who loved him the most…
Sometimes I just want someone to hug me and to say: Everything will be OK!
And you just had to hold me and not let me go…
I used to build walls around myself just to see who sincerely care about me!
The soul will always suffer, heart will always hurt, but I’ll always remember that I love you no matter what.
One day you’ll wake up and realize how much you care for me. When that day comes, I’ll wake up next to someone who already knows that…
I love you baby and you turned your back for a moment as I was nothing…
They ask me about you. And I keep my mouth shut. On the side where you sleep, I think I cannot forget, ever…
That feeling when your eyes are filled with tears and you laugh and say, It’s nothing.
Will I ever mean to someone, but to really mean, as seriously. No lie, crushing, and fraud, as it doesn’t hurt that someone who only loves me.
Marriage is the alliance of two people. One of whom never remembers birthdays and the other who never forgets them.
Facebook should have a limit on how many times you can change your relationship status. After 3 it should default to “unstable”.
The brain is the most outstanding organ it works 24 hours a day 365 days a year from birth until you fall in love.
Love = a form of amnesia when a girl forgets there are 1.2 billion other boys in the world.
Love is a two-way street constantly under construction.
Taking back your ex is like buying your crap back from your own garage sale.
If you have someone in your life who laughs at the same crap as you do, no matter how messed up it is, they’re your soul mate.
You’ll know he’s someone special, when no matter what kind of mood you are in, he can always manage to make you smile.
I like it when you smile. But I love it when I’m the reason.
You are one of the reasons why I smile.
I have a crush on your mind. I fell for your personality. Your looks are just a bonus.
God is going to send someone into your life that will put a smile on your face every day.
Your smile is literally the cutest thing I have ever seen in my life.
When he wanted to take her picture, He didn’t tell her to smile, but told her, “I love you” and her smile was more beautiful.
Dear crush, I may not have the prettiest face for you to look at but I do promise I have the biggest heart to love you with.
Today I caught myself smiling for no reasons…then I realized I was thinking about you.
He’s the type of boy I’d make a sandwich for.
Dear boys, one girl at a time. It’s a relationship not a group meeting.
You can tell a lot about a woman by her hands. If they’re wrapped around your throat she’s probably angry.
Today’s Relationship: You can touch each other, but not each other’s phone.
I love being married. It’s so great to find one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.— Rita Rudner
If love is the answer, could you please rephrase the question?
When I miss you, I re-read our old conversations and smile like an idiot.
They say when a man holds a woman’s hand before marriage; it is love, after marriage, it is self defense.
Marriage is a relationship in which one person is always right and the other is the husband.
Women worry about the things that men forget. Men worry about the things that women remember.
There are only three things women needs in life: food, water, and compliments.
Love is spending the rest of your life with someone you want to kill, but not doing it because you’d miss them.
Before you marry a person you should first make them use a computer with slow internet to see who they really are.
I instantly smile when your name shows up on my phone.
Smile. It will make him so jealous to see you’re happy without him.
Love is a lot like a backache, it doesn’t show up on X-rays, but you know it’s there.
The key to a successful relationship is to clear your internet history.
People who share their food with me have a special place in my heart.
I know they say there’s plenty of fish in the sea, But I think you’re my nemo.
I may not be the most important person in your life…I just hope when you hear my name, you smile and say that’s my friend.
I love you so much that I’m willing to make funny faces in public just to see you smile.
Always remember to be happy because you never know who’s falling in love with your smile.
I’m happy for you! Is the hardest lie to tell when your old love found someone new.