50+ Hate Quotes Collection For Status


If hatred is a relation; then my haters are in a relationship with an awesome person.
My haters are my secret admirers as they secretly follow me everywhere.
I don’t have the time to hate you back; I have much more things to do that could make you more jealous about me.
I have much more hectic things in my life to deal with other than your hatred.
By hating me you have proved that you’re a brainless bimbo.
In a fair deal of love and hatred he chose to hate me in return of my love.
Continue to hate me and I will continue to amaze you with my achievements.
It’s amazing when a person starts hating me believing to those shits in form of rumors.
Haters belong to those trash cans where you often visit to recall their existence in your life.
If your haters try to pull you down then they are trying to show you from where they belong.
If hating someone is an art, then my haters have mastered it.
I relish having more number of haters than friends; it shows that people are jealous of my achievements.
Yes, I do understand bitching is your inbuilt quality.
When people talk behind my back I relish seeing them where they actually belong.
All my haters keep demotivating me and I will continue to prove you wrong at every point of your lives.
My haters hate me as they want to utilize the ample time they have at least by doing something.
Haven’t heard any spicy gossip for long time? Maybe my haters started loving me.
They hate me because they can’t afford the priceless feeling of loving me.
I won’t waste my valuable words in bitching about my haters.
I wish my haters could see the angelic phase of mine that holds so much love, but they are destined for my hatred.
The game of hatred must be carried by someone.
It’s not about love or hate, it’s about your choice when you could have chosen love but you chose hatred.
My haters are trying my patience level, but they don’t know they deserve no reaction.
Salvage yourself from your frenemies; they could turn worse than your haters.
Some people have hatred in their bloods so it can’t be cleaned.
Haters will continue to make fuss and you continue to ignore them.
My haters make me feel great by making me the center of the topic everyday.
Sorry I don’t wake up every day just to react on your criticism.
Hi! to all my haters who secretly visits my profile.
Your hatred made me a strong human being.
Hatred is a mental disease. Get well soon haters.
Keep hating me, the game is on.
Hatred and Humor both of the words start with H. It’s up to you what you choose.
We only have one life why wasting time in hating me when you can love me.
Don’t waste your time in thinking what haters will say about you, because they are wasting their time in thinking what to say bad about you.
I wish I could have some anti-hater software in my system to remove haters in my life.
I just want to punch a wall as hard as I can. I hope I miss and it hits your face.
I hate myself for still thinking about you.
I hate feeling unimportant to people who are important to me.
I hate all the bullshit…and heart brakes!
Jealousy is ugly – that would explain your face.
How can i believe if in the middle of “believe” was the word LIE?
Hate is a power full word i don’t usually use it but because your special ill use it.
It is better to be hated for what you are, than to be loved for what you are not.
I hate when the remote is way over there.
Don’t put out if you don’t give out… Hate cock-teasers.
Love is that first feeling you feel before all the bad stuff gets in the way.
Your best friends are going to hurt you every once in a while, you must forgive them for that.
If you can’t understand my silence you will never understand my words.
I hate stupid people… period!
I don’t have your attitude I have my own.
My attitude depends on the people in front of me.
I hate everything about you and your drama oh and that new slut you have.
I HATE when people accuses me of doing something when in reality they are the ones that are doing it.
Hey plain and simple…I F…ING HATE YOU.
Hating me won’t make you pretty! IN FACT not even plastic surgery would help!
Haters are my stepping stones… they try 2 bring me down, but i use them 2 go higher up…
No, I don’t hate you, I just hate the things you do and have done.
For all those haters out there. Well.
I hate when people watch me using the computer.
I honestly hate knowing that I will never have you.
I hate how I let the dumbest things bother me sometimes.
I absolutely hate it when my seat belt gets stuck .
Love to be alone, hate to be lonely.
I Hate the 160 character texting limit!
Famous teenager lines, ‘I hate everything’.
If you hate sarcasm, then stop asking stupid questions.
I hate it when people randomly change.
I hate feeling unwanted.
At first I got sad, then I got mad, then I got tired…and now I’m exhausted.
People are jealous not because they hate you its because they hate themselves.
If I had known it would hurt this much, I never would have told you I love you.