100 Super Relationship Status Quotes Collection


	Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.	
	The best thing to hold onto in life is love.	
	Joy is a net of love with which you can catch souls.	
	Love is when the other person’s happiness is more important than your own.	
	Let us meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.	
	Joy is a net of love with which you can catch souls.	
	Be mindful, be grateful, be positive & automatically you will be beautiful.	
	You should never look for evidence for love, because true love is crystal clear.	
	Every time I see you, I fall in love all over again.	
	Love is like the wind, you can’t see it but can only feel it.	
	I don’t need paradise, because I found you.	
	True love stories never have endings.	
	Love is growing old with you - Theloveorbit	
	Love is growing old with you & love you for the rest of my life.	
	We are most alive when we are in Love.	
	Where there is love there is life.	
	Love is a better teacher than duty.	
	We love because it is the only true adventure.	
	I wish I had done everything on earth with you.	
	If I know what love is, it is because of you.	
	Love yourself & stay positive, because love comes from a true positive soul.	
	Life is the flower for which love is the honey.	
	Love is like the air, so I’m breezing with you.	
	Distance means nothing when someone means everything.	
	Love is the greatest refreshment in life.	
	Real love is a prize in the game named life.	
	Love is my drug & you are my dealer.	
	Love is the greatest refreshment in life.	
	Just like a flower can’t blossom without sunshine, a man can’t live without love.	
	The most important thing in the world is family & love.	
	A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.	
	There is no charm equal to tenderness of heart.	
	My heart made it’s choice & it choose you.	
	I love you not because of who you are but because of who I am when I’m with you.	
	At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.	
	Search for a beautiful heart, not necessarily a beautiful face.	
	Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.	
	In this story I am the poet you are the poetry.	
	The smile on your face is the cutest thing I have ever seen.	
	If music be the food of love, play on.	
	Loving someone is nothing hard. The hard thing is to make that person fall in love with you.	
	Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.	
	Sometimes life has a cruel sense of humor, giving you the best thing you always waited for at the worst time possible.	
	Love is the most beautiful of dreams & worst of nightmares.	
	If you don’t love me its ok, I can love both of us.	
	Unless a commitment is made there is only promises & hopes but no plan.	
	Eyes with dust & heart with trust cries the most.	
	It’s sad to know I’m done. But looking back, I’ve got a lot of great memories.	
	Never make decision when you are sad, upset or in love.	
	Having a soft heart - Theloveorbit	
	Having a soft heart in this cruel world is a courage not a weakness.	
	It’s sad when someone you know becomes someone you knew.	
	“When you love each other and trust each other no matter what the situation that is true relationship” 	
	“Grow your relationship strong with love and honesty”	
	“If you love each other you will go through the pain together and survive the darkest time in life together”	
	“You love the person most with whom you fight the most”	
	“Share your pain with someone who understands you”	
	“A relationship is like a joyful ride, you will fight,  you will love and you will enjoy this beautiful ride”	
	“In a relationship, you take the pain and share the happiness”	
	“A true relationship shines when you connect your heart with each other”	
	“The best relationship is when you trust each other like best friends and share secrets with each other”	
	“A simple lie can ruin the relationship”	
	“Find someone special who fights for you, supports you and love you unconditionally”	
	relationship status	
	“Be happy, not sad because your with someone who loves you”	
	“Relationships grow when you understand each other better”	
	“I don’t want a perfect relationship, I want a real and cute relationship”	
	“Stay with the person who fought for you in your bad times”	
	“Trust is a key that relationship last long”	
	“Take the pain and share the kindness and enjoy this beautiful relationship that you have”	
	“The best relationship is when you love her more than yourself “	
	“The best relationship starts with friendship and last long as lovers”	
	“Start smiling because you have somebody that cares about you and support you till the end”	
	“Beautiful relationship is like when you understand each others feeling from a smile”	
	“Strong relationship is determined by how much you support each other in bad times”	
	“Share your past with your partner because a relationship is strong when you know each other well”	
	“When you’re with her it makes you feel special”	
	“Enjoy your relationship because that is the most beautiful moment you have in life”	
	“A good relationship is based on how much you care”	
	“Capture the special moments in your relationship because that moment will never be going to come back”	
	“Respect your partner because without respecting each other relationship will not last long”	
	“Every relationship has a problem but without solving, problems relationship will not get stronger”	
	“A real relationship stands when you never give up on each other even after the storm has passed”	
	“Feel beautiful from inside because you have someone who loves your heart not face, it is a wonderful relationship”	
	“It is not money that you have to spend on a relationship but it is the love, time and honesty that you have to spend”	
	“When two people really want to be together and they have patience their relationship grows stronger, beautiful and wonderful”	
	“It takes a lot of efforts to maintain a good relationship you can’t walk away in a difficult situation”	
	“When you understand her feeling you will understand how beautiful it is to live with her”	
	“See the kindness not beauty because beauty will not make your relationship better”	
	“In a relationship contribution is required from both side”	
	“In a relationship, you have to make an adjustment, without adjustment no relationship stays for long”	
	“To maintain a good relationship you need a good heart and kind soul”	
	“Be real, not fake because every relationship is based on truths not on lies”	
	“Don’t make your relationship more complicated keep simple if possible”	
	“You just need to spend some time with each other to solve the complicated things that all it needs to make a relationship simple and happier”	
	“If you’re in trouble in your life just share with your partner you will get an answer and your relationship become healthier”	
	“It is a good relationship when you share your thoughts with each other and make each other happy”	
	“Find someone special not perfect that will ready to hold  your hand in your worst time”	
	“A relationship is comfortable when you trust and accept the past of your partner and encourage him for future”	
	“Truth is truth if you hide it will ruin everything, share it may hurt but it will make you an honest person”