50+ Best Teacher Day Quotes Collection


“This Teacher’s day, help educate these underprivileged children who are a part of India’s tomorrow.”― Happy Teacher’s Day
“A teacher contributes more to society than any other profession.” ― Happy Teacher’s Day
“Thank you to all the teachers for helping to make a difference in kids’ lives every day.”― Happy Teacher’s Day
“Thank you to all of the wonderful teachers out there!! We appreciate everything you do!” ― Happy Teacher’s Day
“Dear Teacher, Thanks for inspiring hope in me, Igniting my imagination, And instilling in me – a love of learning.” ― Happy Teacher’s Day
“Thank you for planting the seed of curiosity and igniting our imagination for us to be able to flourish and succeed.” ― Happy Teacher’s Day
“It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression & knowledge.” ― Happy Teacher’s Day
“On this Teachers Day, let’s say thanks to the unsung heroes of our lives, the ones that made us who we are.” ― Happy Teacher’s Day
“A teacher is a person who always helps everybody to get the knowledge and always stands beside the students when they have problems. Thanks for being there Madam/Sir.”― Happy Teacher’s Day
“If you are proud of who you are, it is time to thank your teachers, Today indeed is the special day to say it loud.” ― Happy Teacher’s Day
“Teachers will entertain you, they will inspire you and you will end up learning things that you couldn’t even ever think of doing.” ― Happy Teacher’s Day
“A Teacher has two jobs fill young minds with knowledge, yes. But more important, give those minds a Compass so that Knowledge doesn’t go to waste.” ― Happy Teacher’s Day
“A teacher does not teach for the income, but for the outcome.”
“You are not only our teacher, But You are also our friend, philosopher, and guide, All molded into one person, We will always be grateful for your support.” ― Happy Teacher’s Day
Thanks for being my teacher and guided me to the right path of life. I thank you teacher!
Life is a journey, and your words were the guiding star throughout. Happy Teacher’s Day!
A good teacher is like a candle – it consumes itself to light the way for others
Good teachers are costly, but bad teachers cost more.
Inspiration Vision Strength Thanks for your guidance and support! Happy Teacher’s Day
Teacher : Plant the seeds for tomorrow.
There is no substitute for a great teacher.
To teach is to touch a life forever.
Thanks for giving our child a hand.
Teachers lighten the burden of our future by giving accurate knowledge.
A teacher is like candles who spend whole life in giving lights to many students.
Teachers are: talented, elegant, admirable, cherished, honorable, efficient and responsible.
Teacher Is Lamp of Nation.
A teacher is most important for any country as only he/she can give a nice citizen in future.
You are an amazing teacher.
School : Where Students Are Achievers
A big hand of teachers behind our success.
Our life cannot be cherished without teachers.
A teacher is person who bows the seed of wisdom in our mind.
Teacher’s influential personality always influences the students.
Teaching Turning Today’s Learners Into Tomorrow’s Leaders
Teaching is the best and noblest profession than other professions.
Teachers have power to bring development revolution in the country.
I am not a teacher, but an awakener.
Teachers change the world one child at a time.
Teachers enlighten the path of success for us.
Thanks for helping our children bloom.
A teacher corrects our mistakes and guides us through the life.
You are my teacher and more than valuable than God for me.
You enlighten my life to make my future successful and happy.
Teachers force their students to see dreams and complete those.
A teacher is one who let students know their power of knowledge.
It is teachers who awake their students from sleep.
Thank you for quenching my thirst for knowledge.
Thank you for making our students bright.
Teachers – the link between knowledge and education.
We learn discipline and punctuality from our teachers.
Teachers are the most responsible citizens of a country.
Someone without teacher cannot get complete knowledge.
You are my teacher and the most valuable person in my life.
It is teachers who motivate us to do more than our capacity.
When it comes to teaching no one can compete with you. Happy teachers day.
Behind every successful student there is one Girl friend and behind many failed student there is a beautiful teacher.
A teacher affects eternity…He can never tell where his influence stops.
Those who educate children well are more to be honoured than parents, for these only gave life, those the art of living well.
The best teachers teach from the heart, not from the book.
Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself.
Teaching is the profession that teaches all the other professions.
The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.
What the teacher is, is more important than what he teaches.
A teacher’s purpose is not to create students in his own image, but to develop students who can create their own image.
I found guidance,friendship,discipline and love everything in one person.And that person is you. Happy Teachers Day!
Thanks for being a true mentor of our hearts.Happy Teachers day
We will always be thankful to you for all the hard work and efforts you have put in, for educating us.