Teachers Day Special Quotes Collection For You


“Wishing Everyone A Happy Teacher’s Day! Thank your teachers for the all the efforts they have put in to make you a better person in life.”
“I found guidance, friendship, discipline and love, everything, in one person. And that person is you.”  ― Happy Teacher’s Day
“Without you, we would have been lost. Thank you, teacher, for guiding us, inspiring us And making us what we are today.”  ― Happy Teacher’s Day
“You took my hand, opened my mind and touched my heart.” ― Happy Teacher’s Day
“Your teachings will never be erased from my mind.” ― Happy Teacher’s Day
“You accepted the challenge to teach me and I accepted the challenge to learn.” ― Happy Teacher’s Day
“You are my mind and education rock star.” ― Happy Teacher’s Day
“A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite imagination and instill the love of learning.” ― Happy Teacher’s Day
“You have pure love for teaching and I have entire love for learning.” ― Happy Teacher’s Day
“Just wanted to let you know that you are the best and your way of teaching is marvelous.” ― Happy Teacher’s Day
“Thanks for bearing up with my silly questions. And wish you the best forever.” ― Happy Teacher’s Day
“To me you are my role model. To me you are the best teacher.” ― Happy Teacher’s Day
“May each child be blessed with a teacher like you.” ― Happy Teacher’s Day
“Everyone needs a push and start in life. And for me it was from my favorite teacher.” ― Happy Teacher’s Day
“We wish all the teachers who enlighten young minds every day. We salute everyone who has been a part of building the future of our nation.” ― Happy Teacher’s Day
“The best teachers always teach from the heart and not from only the books.” ― Happy Teacher’s Day!
“A teacher’s purpose is not to create students in his own image, but to develop students who can create their own image.” ― Happy Teacher’s Day
“A good teacher is similar to a candle that consumes itself to light up others paths.” ― Happy Teacher’s Day
“You are the only person who is as special and precious to me just like my mother. You are my source of wisdom and way to enlightenment. Wish you a very Happy Teachers Day Ma’am
“A good teacher is like a candle, It consumes itself to light the way for others.”  ― Happy Teacher’s Day
“I got the best gift from God and that’s you my teacher. You are very special to me and close to my heart. Because of you I feel studies interesting and coming to school exciting.” ― Happy Teacher’s Day
“Good teachers build knowledge, great teachers build character.”  ― Happy Teacher’s Day
“Great teacher is someone who can learn from their student, who can learn with them and learns from them.”  ― Happy Teacher’s Day
“A  Teacher is a person who always helps everybody to get the knowledge and always stand beside the students when they have problems.”  ― Happy Teacher’s Day
“I like the way you teach, I like the way you scold, I like the way you listen to my problems, I like the way you guide me on my life path. In short you are my favorite person on this path.” ― Happy Teacher’s Day
“I respect the way you teach, I respect the way you understand me. Thanks teacher to support and help my in building my brightest future.” ― Happy Teacher’s Day
“You are a mentor, you are a friend, you are my helping-hand. Thanks teacher to guide me to walk on the right track.” ― Happy Teacher’s Day
“The person in my life who is next to God, is my source of wisdom. And that’s you my teacher. Thanks for caring and inspiring us all the time so that we could become the best one day.”  ― Happy Teacher’s Day
“The Award for the most wonderful teacher has been declared and it goes to You.” ― Happy Teacher’s Day
“Not just a single day, but every day should be just like a teachers day. I appreciate your love and concern for us and want to wish you with all my heart.” ― Happy Teacher’s Day
“May God bless you with many more years to come and you inspire all the coming generations.” ― Happy Teacher’s Day
“Dear Teacher before meeting you I never liked to study math. But after learning from you the great tricks I am your fan.” ― Happy Teacher’s Day
“Teacher you are just like my parents at my second home. You guide me without any ulterior motive. Thanks for being there with me.” ― Happy Teacher’s Day
“I realize by being a teacher, I am making an important contribution to all the national development initiatives.” ― APJ Abdul Kalam
“Creativity is the key to success in the future, and primary education is where teachers can bring creativity in children at that level.” ― APJ Abdul Kalam
“I am not a great scholar, never was a very bright student, became an average leader.” ― Pranab Mukherjee
“Every home is a university and the parents are the teachers.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
“There must have been a great teacher behind every great doctor, engineer, scientist.” ― Narendra Modi Quotes
“I am always learning from everything. I was always very inquisitive, even as a child. That helped.” ―  Narendra Modi
“Teachers play a big role in shaping students. Mother gives birth, The guru gives Life.” ―  Narendra Modi
“It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.” ― Albert Einstein
“The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.” ― Albert Einstein
“Education is the key to success in life, and teachers make a lasting impact in the lives of their students.” ― Solomon Ortiz
“A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning.” ― Brad Henry
“In teaching, you cannot see the fruit of a day’s work. It is invisible and remains so, maybe for twenty years.” ― Jacques Barzun
“The average teacher explains complexity; the gifted teacher reveals simplicity.” ― Robert Brault
“There is no more important or effective investment in our future and our Children than education, particular in their early years.” ― Senator Jeanne Shaheen