Top 100 Monday Quotes Collection For Your Status.


Behind every great man there is a surprised woman.
Is it too early to be looking forward to Friday?
Dear Monday…No matter how many times you show up..or what you may bring, I still cant find it in my heart to like you.
if i were president, all Monday’s would be changed to crappy.
No note, no message, no warning… just gone, The weekend just up and disappeared and left me with a Monday!
Monday is the evil way of saying the weekend is over.
Monday’s wouldn’t be so bad, if I didn’t have to work them… Oh wait, I don’t .
Mondays, that day of the week when our brains take all day to reboot from all the weekend activities.
I am convinced God only created six days and the devil added Monday.
Why is Monday so far away from Friday, but Friday is so darn close to Monday!
In a perfect world there would be no Mondays.
If days were people, Monday would be the one person I’d punch in the face with boxing gloves made of dog shit .
Weapons loaded, body bags ready, coffee brewing, bring it on Monday, I’m ready…Warning! Monday is here, I repeat, Monday is Here!! this is not a drill.
I used to despise Mondays. That is, until I became a mother of school-aged children.
It’s Monday but keep smiling…
New Monday, new week, new goals.
If I were president, all Monday’s would be changed to National Holiday.
It’s Monday, be gentle on me, okay?
Oh, come on. It’s a day, not doomsday, make it a good one.
Loves Sundays and being lazy…Then Monday comes and things get crazy!
May your coffee be strong and your Monday be short.
Even the best weeks start with Monday.
They say every day is a gift. I wanna know where the gift receipt is so I can exchange Monday for Saturday.
This mornings coffee brought to you by HERE WE GO AGAIN!
I hate Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and half of Friday.
If days were people, Monday would be the one person I’d punch in the face!
I am convinced God only created six days and the devil added Monday.
Why is Monday so far away from Friday, but Friday is so darn close to Monday!
Weapons loaded, body bags ready, coffee brewing, bring it on Monday, I’m ready…
Read somewhere that Monday is the most productive day of the work/school week. Today I will be doing my part to reduce this ugly statistic.
Monday, I hate you. Tuesday, you stink too, Wednesday still pushing it, Thursday getting better, Friday…love ya! Saturday you are heaven, Sunday you’re OK.
What can I say about Mondays? Well, my mom said to never say anything unless I had something nice to say!!! Enough said…
Check This : 100+ Cool Status & Captions
Dear Monday, No matter how many times you show up or what you may bring, I still can’t find it in my heart to like you.
If days were people, Monday would be the one person I’d punch in the face!
Monday is like a math problem. Add the irritation, subtract the sleep, multiply the problems, divide the happiness.
Monday should be optional.
Mondays are Sunday’s poop.
Monday is the root of all evil.
Monday, Monday, go away. I never liked you anyway!
Happy Monday or as I like to call it: pre-pre-pre-pre Friday!
Monday, why are you here again? Don’t you have a hobby?
Dear Monday, I want to break up. I’m seeing Tuesday and dreaming about Friday. Sincerely, it’s not me, it’s you.
Hey Monday, my Momma doesn’t like you and she likes everyone.
Don’t mess with anybody on a Monday. It’s a bad, bad day.
If you meet people who make you happy during Mondays, then it won’t be as hard.
Monday isn’t a good day for kids but for parents, it’s a dream come true!
Monday is the evil way of saying the weekend is over.
Monday is an awful way to spend 1/7th of your life.
WARNING! A virus called Monday is fast approaching. There is no cure. Just drink plenty of alcohol on Sunday night to ease the pain 🙁
Dear Monday, that better not be your ugly ass I see peeking around the corner!
Three of the worst words to hear……’Tomorrow is Monday’.
Searching for the remote to rewind the weekend! Sunday always comes so fast & Monday is now closing in.
I always give 100% at work: 13% Monday, 22% Tuesday, 26% Wednesday, 35% Thursday and 4% Friday.
I hate Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and half of Friday.
I feel that Mondays are God’s way of punishing me for something I did over the weekend!
It’s a new day and a new week! Start off fresh to accomplish your best! 🙂
Woke up this morning feeling like it was gonna be a good day. Looked at the calendar and realized … Oh shit! It’s Monday again! So much for a good day.
As an entrepreneur, you would love your every Monday morning. But you’ll hate every month’s beginning – when you’ll have to pay your bills.
Suffers from PMS… Pre-Monday Syndrome.
If each day is a gift… can I return Monday for something I really like?
Welcome to Monday. Please secure your seat belt, keep your arms and legs in at all times, and enjoy the ride.
Starting a new Monday Tradition… it’s called… BITE ME!
Says…Look at the bright side: At least Mondays only happen once a week.
Is very happy. AND it’s Monday. Are you scared yet?
Mondays, that day of the week when our brains take all day to reboot from all the weekend activities.
Good Morning Monday. I have been dreading your arrival, but now that you are here, let’s make the best of it.
It’s Sunday night, the end of the weekend. I don’t want to go to bed, cause when I wake up it will be Monday and the weekend’s over.
Going to sleep on Sunday will cause symptoms called ‘Monday’. Conversely, also note that staying awake all night on Sunday does not prevent Monday.
Don’t worry about Monday morning. Focus on now. Not the alarm, the struggle to get out of bed and the mind-numbing, soul-destroying day ahead.
Monday is great if I can spend it in bed. – Arthur Darvill
Do what you love and you’ll never have a problem with Monday. – Unknown
Monday is a great for becoming too busy to die. – Roy Station
Sounds like someone has a case of the Mondays. – Office Space
It was the kind of Sunday to make one ache for Monday morning. – Joan Didion
Mondays are the start of the workweek which offers new beginnings 52 times a year! – David Dweck
When life gives you Monday, dip it in glitter and sparkle all day. – Ella Woodward
The thing about today is… It’s Monday! No other day could get the week off to such a great start. – Anthony T. Hincks
I know it’s Monday, but it’s also a new day, a new week, and in that lies a new opportunity for something special to happen. – Michael Ely
This has been such a Monday! I wish I stayed in bed, and I wish that yesterday had never happened. – Lisa Mantchev
Don’t count the days make the days count. – Muhammad Ali
This should be the spirit every Monday. Know that something good will always happen. – Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
Good morning, Facebook friends and family. It's Monday, the beginning of the week. I can already tell that it's going to be a long day, but I'm not going to let anything or anyone mess up my day. I'm definitely going to make the best of my day. On that note hope, everyone has a great day!
Monday morning: hate it or love it. It's just another day to rock on till the break of dawn.
Don't dislike Monday. It's a nice start to the rest of the week. Treat it fine, it will treat you fine too. If you have a positive attitude, the world is sure to delight you.
Monday gets a bad wrap because it's the start of the work week. It's not a bad day though!
That not so awkward and awesome moment when you realize it's the start of the work week, and everyone else is working but you.
Don't you just love feeling fresh and full of life on a Monday! I pity the fools waking up with a hangover.
It's Monday, and I'm happy to see it! Why? Because it is another day that I have been given! Have a great day!
If Monday was a gift, I would happily return it to the person who gave it to me.
Set your clocks at the start of the weekend so that you know just how much fun time you get to have. Then smash your clocks so you won't know when Monday starts.
Hangovers are bad; hangovers are even worse on a Monday morning.
Hope you guys had a great weekend! Who is dreading today besides me?
I don’t like Sunday nights because you have to wake up to a Monday morning.
Monday, you're so jealous of my relationship with Sunday because I am so happy to see you leave!
Why does getting up on Monday seem way harder than getting up on Friday?
I'm always in a bad mood on Monday morning. It makes me hate everything for no reason whatsoever.
Never make your favorite song the alarm for Monday morning; you’ll hate it for years.
You know how to get your weekly return to work started with a bang? With a battle! Let's grab some foam weapons and have a playful office brawl.
It's Monday . . . back to work. I hate this moment. Let me sleep a little more.