Good Feel Wednesday Quotes


When i was a child I was afraid of ghosts as I grew up I realized people are more scary..
The name ‘hump day’ is disappointingly misleading. It’s already past lunchtime & I haven’t been humped once!
Welcome to Wednesday also known as Hump Day! So Hump or Be Humped! The choice is yours.
People call Wednesday "Hump Day", I call this false advertisement !
Have a beautiful, loving, breathtaking, passionate Wednesday my genuine friends and family!! Love you!
Wednesday is God’s way of giving us hope. We survived the beginning of the week, and can hope to make it to the end.
If I stand on my tippy toes i can see the weekend from here! OMG YAY!I can not wait…oh its Wednesday…
It’s mid week and I still have the Monday syndrome going…
Good morning, may all your ups and downs on this day be between the sheets. Happy hump day !
Bi-polar Wednesday – that day where you fluctuate between, “WooHoo, the week is half over” and “Oh crap, the week is only half over.”
Anyway, if you have your own statuses, that you might to share. We welcome you to share with us on comment box.
Wed. Nes. Day. How I have to say it in my head to spell it every damn time.
If you believe in reincarnation then your tombstone should say “b.r.b” instead of “r.i.p”.
I’ve never answered the question, “Are you hungry?” with “No.”
Tuesday, That vicious little day that hides between the obscenity of Monday and the taunting hopes of Wednesday.
Tuesday down, Wednesday on deck, Thursday to load the bases and Friday to clean up!
Today is “Wondrous” Wednesday, a celebration of miracles. Take today to be thankful for the miracles in your life! Have a great day!
Oh, you’re surprised I’m still single? I’m surprised you can dress yourself. So I guess we’re even.
I’m from the Friend Zone originally, but now I live in the Bae Area.
Says, it’s Wednesday. Hump day. Can you smell it? It’s only 48 hours away! The weekend!! Yippee! It’ll be here before we know it. Hang on you’ll make it!
On Wednesday even the calendar says W T F !!
Wednesday Status Quotes Messages
You Can Check: Funny Sunday Status
Today is brought to you by the letter W- W is for Wednesday. That day in the middle of the week that wishes it was Friday but is thankful that it is not Monday.
To those of you proclaiming today as “hump day”, please keep your extra curricular activities to yourselves! We’re not all so lucky.
The proper way to use a stress ball is to throw it at the last person to piss you off.
Part of me is thinking ‘Wow. It’s Wednesday already.’ and the other part is thinking – What do you mean, it’s only Wednesday?!
Parallel park, like nobody’s laughing.
My six month old daughter has tripled her weight since birth. If this trend continues, by the time she’s 10 she’ll weigh over 17 billion pounds.
My philosophy when I pack.
Monday, I hate you. Tuesday, you stink too, Wednesday still pushing’ it, Thursday, getting better, Friday…love ya! Saturday you are heaven, Sunday you’re OK.
It’s hump day. Anything standing still for more than three seconds is considered fair game.
It’s Wednesday – Is your week half empty or half full?
It’s Hump Day today! However, I haven’t been humped nor done any humping! I think I’m getting ripped off. Where’s the complaint dept?
If you don’t need it, pack it anyway you might need it.
If i stand on my tippy toes i can see the weekend from here! OMG YAY!I can not wait…oh its Wednesday.
Short Wednesday Status Quotes for Friends:
I often wonder how many last minute decisions have prevented me from dying.
I hate Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and half of Friday.
I always give 100% at work: 13% Monday, 22% Tuesday, 26% Wednesday, 35% Thursday and 4% Friday.
Holy weekdays Batman – it’s Wednesday !
Hello Wednesday! So nice to see you again! We’re halfway there!
You May Read: Monday Status & Quotes
Have a beautiful, loving, breathtaking, passionate Wednesday my genuine friends and family!! Love you!
Has anyone noticed that when you know it’s Hump Day, there is always a little extra wiggle in your walk? Is it an invitation?
Happy.Hump Day! Just two more days til the weekend. I’ll raise my coffee to that!
The proper way to use a stress ball is to throw it at the last person to piss you off.
For the first time, there is about to be a generation of parents who are better than their kids at video games.
If a Burger King married a Dairy Queen, they would probably live in a White Castle.