
	 “The night is finally here, and nothing I can do can make me stop thinking of you I hope your dreams bring you happiness and my thoughts bring you love”	
	 “I was never a religious person until I met you God sent me an angel to show me that some things are simply unexplainable”	
	 “I’m lying in bed thinking of you I always thought that my life was going to be planned out; you know, simple and boring When I met you, my heart skipped a beat, and we’ve been on a rollercoaster ever since”	
	 “Looking at the moon brings a smile to my face Open your window and look at it too We’re two souls apart, but looking at the world together”	
	 “Every night I try to stay up later than you, so I can send you a good night text that you’ll see in the morning I love you, my queen”	
	 “I always want to be the one that says good night first so that you dream of me when your head hits the pillow”	
	 “Good night my love Today was the best day I have ever had, and tomorrow will be even better because of your love”	
	 “Shhh Do you hear that? It is my heart crying out to yours, wishing that I could sleep next to you tonight”	
	 “Good night my love I am so happy that we were able to spend another beautiful day together wrapped up in the love that we share”	
	 “Guess what? I will drop by your place to tell you good night!”	
	 “Did you feel that? The world stopped for a minute because I was thinking of you ood night, beautiful”	
	 “I am not a poet or a man that can easily describe the way he feels, but that changed when I met you I love you with all of my heart – even if I don’t express it like a scholar”	
	 “I am sitting in my bed looking at your picture, smiling and knowing that you are mine and I am yours The night will always be perfect as long as we have each other”	
	 “A sweet smile, a contagious laugh, a beautiful voice and a divine scent – all of these words are used to describe you I would keep going, but you would be up all night I love you”	
	 “Every night is always the same for me I go to bed feeling empty inside knowing that another night will pass without being able to hold you in my arms”	
	 “The moon is watching over you tonight, knowing that you are the only one that can make my tides flow”	
	 “I almost ran up to your door and begged your parents to let me stay the night Is it a crime that I want to see you snuggled up in bed?”	
	 “If there was a restaurant that only served the warmth and affection of people, I would be a regular, and my dish would always be you”	
	 “I am half asleep, but I found the energy to send you this text to tell you that you made my day perfect Sleep well I love you”	
	 “A bed of clouds couldn’t get me to fall asleep at night without thinking of you Some things in life are near perfect, and then some things are so perfect that they can only be described as heavenly You are heavenly my love Good night”	
	 “I go to bed every night happy yet so sad I am so happy that I am with you and you’re in my life, yet so sad that you’re far away and I can’t hold you tight”	
	 “When I go to bed at night, I hug my pillow and imagine that it is you Good night!”	
	 “I never hated night until I met you Going to bed without the warmth of your touch or the sparkle of your smile is pure torture”	
	 “Hey I know it is late, but I can’t stop thinking of you I hope that you have an amazing night with dreams filled with me I love you Good night”	
	 “I don’t get to hold you all night I don’t get to see you as much as I would like But, I promise you that you’re always close to my heart”	
	 “My world stopped today While the sun rises and sets, I am stuck in a perpetual fantasy, thinking and dreaming of you the entire time”	
	 “Don’t fret my pet While you go to sleep, I will be trying to figure out how I can love you even more”	
	 “The night breeze blows through my hair and reminds me of how amazing it is when we’re together I wish you could be here tonight I love you”	
	 “The stars in the sky are nothing compared to the way your eyes shine when you look at me Most men love looking up into the stars at night, but all I want is to look into your eyes and tell you how much I love you”	
	 “You can never blame a good night’s sleep for keeping you up at night The only thing that keeps me up is the thought of you not by my side”