Best 100+ Cool Status Quotes Collection


Had A Really Great “Night Out” Last Night, According To My Police Report.
Common Sense Is Life Deodorant. The People Who Need It Most. Never Use It.
Sleeping Is My Drug, My Bed Is My Dealer, And My Alarm Clock Is The Police.
You Are The Reason Why I Wake Up Every Morning. Just Kidding I Have School.
There Are  Ways To Keep A Man Happy. One Is Alcohol..! The Rest Is …..!
Choose Me Or Loose Me. I’M Not Backup Plan And Definitely Not A Second Choice.
I Don’T Need A Hair Stylist, My Pillow Gives Me A New Hairstyle Every Morning.
Sometimes I Think I’M Cool Because I See Things Differently Than Everyone Else.
Create You Own Style. Let It Be Unique For Yourself And Identifiable For Others.
Don;T Judge My Past, Look At My Present, I Am Sure My Future Is Really Rocking.
People Say You Can’T Live Without Love…..I Think Oxygen Is More Important.
Knowledge Is Knowing Tomato Is A Fruit ….Wisdom Is Not Putting Is A Fruit Salad.
The Only Reason I Am Fat Because A Tiny Body Couldn’T Store All This Personality.
I Don’T Have An Attitude Problem. I Just Have A Personality That You Can’T Handle.
M NT Cigarette That U’Ll Smoke It N Crush It! M Drug Baby U’Ll Beg For It.
I Got A Simple Rule About Everybody. If You Don’T Treat Me Right — Shame On You!
I Don’T Care What The World Knows About Me Just As Long As My Mother Don’T Finds Out.
I’M Not Single. I’M Not Taken. I’M Simply On Reserve For The One Who Deserve My Heart.
I’M Not Sad For Being Single. Rather I’M Thinking About Her, Who Is Single Because Of Me.
Love Your Girl Like You Love Your Hot Coffee ………Enjoy It Before Its Hotness Goes.
Perfect Boyfriend : Does Not Drink, Does Not Smoke, Does Not Cheat And Also Does Not Exist 😛
Being Cool Is Being Your Own Self, Not Doing Something That Someone Else Is Telling You To Do.
I Love Texting Instead Of Phone Calls Because It Gives Me More Time To Think What To Say
If Someone Throws A Stone At You, Throw A Flower At Them. But Remember To Throw The Flower Pot With It.
I’M The Girl That Always Has Been Phone In Her Hands, Headphones In Her Ears And That One Guy On Her Mind.
Your Ex Asking To Be #Friends After #Breaking Up Is Like Kidnappers Asking To “#Keep#In#Touch” After Letting You Go.
“I didn’t change, I just grew up. You should try it once.”
“I’m jealous of my parents, I’ll never have a kid as cool as theirs.”
“Silence is the best response to a fool.”
“When I die, I want my grave to offer free Wifi so that people visit more often.”
“We all are born to die, don’t feel more special than me.”
“I’m the dude with a cool attitude.”
“Nothing can stop me I’m all the way up.”
“Son of a gun.”
“Fight for what’s right even if it means fighting alone.”
“I want my Girlfriend like Google, She will understand me better.”
“Totally available!! Please disturb me!”
“Whenever I find the key to success, someone changes the lock.”
“Do What’s Right Not Easy.”
“Genius By Birth, Evil By Choice.”
“Your looks don’t make you Beautiful, it’s the person inside who makes you beautiful.”
“I hate math, but I love counting money.”
“Life is too short. Don’t waste it reading my WhatsApp status.”
“The Earth without ‘Art’ is just ‘Eh’.”
“When I die, I want my grave to offer free Wifi so that people visit more often.”
“I love food and sleep. If I give you a bit of food or text you all night, that really means something.”
“I speak my mind. I never mind what I speak.”
“Don’t Blame Me, I Was Born Awesome.”
“Life is like an ice cream Enjoy it before it melts.”
“I’m so good at sleeping, I can do it with my eyes CLOSED.”
“I choose to make the rest of my life the best of my life.”
“I’ll hit you so hard even GOOGLE wan’t able to find you.”
“Please don’t get confused between my attitude and personality!”
“I don’t care what people think or say about me, I was not born on this earth to please everybody.”
“If I delete your number, you’re basically deleted from my life.”
“I stopped fighting with my inner demons. We are on the same side now.”
“Dear Math, please grow up and solve your own problems, I’m tired of solving them for you.”
It’s okay if some people dislike you. Not everyone has good taste
“My room + internet connection + music + food – homework = perfect day.”
“I don’t need a hairstylist, my pillow gives me a new hairstyle every morning.”
“Teachers Only Teach the Rules. But Winners, Winners Make The Rules.”
“Stop checking my last seen, text me when you miss me.”
“Be yourself. everyone else is already taken.”
“I am not lazy, I am just in energy-saving mode.”
“If life is not smiling at you, give it a good tickling.”
“I lock my phone when I’m Bored, Unlock again after because I’m Bored.”
“My room + internet connection + music + food – homework = perfect day.”
“I changed my password everywhere to ‘incorrect’. That way when I forget it, it always reminds me.”
“Your future is in your hands. Make the most out of it.”
“No one becomes a billionaire doing a  to  job.”
“A business that makes nothing but money is a poor business.”
“I don’t need a hairstylist, my pillow gives me a new hairstyle every morning.”
“I’m in desperate need of a -month vacation twice a year.”
“I need Google in my brain.”
God is really creative. I mean just look at me
“If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.”
“If life closes a door, open it. That’s how the door works.”
“Life is a journey. I am a traveler.”
“A Sense Of Humor Makes A Man Handsome.”
“Yesterday I did nothing and today I’m finishing what I did yesterday.”
“Do not give up, the beginning is always the hardest.”
“I Love Listening Lies When I Know Truth.”
“Never too busy to be happy.”
“The only way to do great work is to love what you do.”
“It’s not my attitude, It’s the way I am.”
“I’m cool but Summer made me hot!”
“Life is a journey. I am a traveler.”
“One hand on the pen, other on the phone, One ear lecture, other on gossip, One eye on board, other on crush, Who says student life is easy? We are very busy.”
“Never give people permission to disrespect you.”
“Life is simple if we are simple.”
“Our habits define us.”
“Be cool and you will see the world around you change.”
Every day is a new chance for you to make something and to become a better person. Don’t miss out on that.
“I’ve found the recipe for happiness. Can someone just send me some money so that I can buy the ingredients?”
“Life without mistakes is like, education without books.”
“Do you know why you like me? Because you are freaking crazy too.”
“Every Whatsapp status is a secret message for someone special.”
“Life taught me a lot of lessons, but I bunked those classes too.”
“Life must go on.”
“I started out with nothing and I still have most of it.”
“Love your haters, they are your biggest fans.”
“A smile suits every kind of clothes.”
“Some people need to open their small minds instead of their big mouths.”
“A jealous woman does better research than FBI.”
“Some people are alive only because it’s illegal to kill them.”
“Warning!!! I know KARATE and few other oriental words.”
“Friends come and go, but enemies remain and build up.”
“Many a man owes his success to his first wife and his second wife to his success.”
“I’m pretty sure the whole ‘ladies first’ thing was created by a guy just to check out.”
“How come wrong numbers are never busy?”
“Its good thing to feel like you have to prove something.”
“Let things happen, you can’t possibly stop everything.”
“I say more dumb things before  am than most people say all day.”
“Trying to learn to say NO to people.”
“Always tell someone how you feel, because opportunities are lost in the blink of an eye, but regret can last for a lifetime.”
“I speak for what I see, I stand for what I Believe. I strive for what I want.”
“Work so hard that one day your signature will be called an autograph.”
“Every new day is another chance to change something in your life, every new day is a chance to feel blessed for what you have
“People who aren’t used to Quality will always chase Quantity.”
“You cannot change what has happened, you can only learn from it.”
“Damages don’t get repaired by sorry, they get repaired by your behavior and efforts!! no need for sorry, bear with it.”
“I Don’t Believe in Flaunts, I Actually Accept Them Who Come With Reality.”
“Everything I know about morality and the obligations of men, I owe it to Cricket.”