Best Hate Quotes Collection


If I had known it would hurt this much, I never would have told you I love you.
I don’t know what have i become.
The person i love hates me no it sucks so bad i am F..bad..ed up.
Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful,hate me because your boyfriend thinks I am.
I wish I could hate you.
Did i forget to mention i hate being taken for a cunt?!
I can be your enemy with as much passion and devotion as I can be your friend!
Why did you bother smiling in front of my face when you were busy gossiping behind my back? I hate you.
I love my family, friends so much. But not as much as you love your-self!
Hate a person seriously but never try to love for fun.
If someone hates you for no reason… Well, give them one good one.
I hate math but I love counting money.
We are never ever getting back together.
Don’t spend time with person those you don’t like.
When Sum One Hates You for no reason… Give them a reason.
I like lovers but i hate love.
If I treated you how you treated me… trust me… you would hate me.
People don’t like to see u bless they want you to stay on their level.
You hate me?! Wow, I didn’t even know you existed.
I hate you…. hate you more than anything.
Says you can either Love or Hate me, either way you’ll be thinking of me.
Smile in front of people who hate you… Ur happiness kills them.
I tell you I like you all the time. Or at least in my head, I do.
Sometimes I love you,sometimes I hate you,but there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t miss you.
Sometimes its good to forget good memories.
May be it’s true, may be we dont know what we have until we have lost it. But may be it’s also true that we don’t know what we are missing until we find it.
Sometimes we need someone to simply be there. Not to fix anything or do anything in particular, but just to let us feel we are supported and cared about.
I don’t have time to hate people, who hate me. because, I’m too busy in loving people who love me.
If you cant find whats good in me try to find whats wrong in U.
The secret to success is to start from scratch and keep scratching.
I hate you for making me love you.
Dear GOD, Thank you for being there when no body else was.
You hate me! Wow, I didn’t even know you existed..
If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend who you hate.
I hate you but I can’t stop loving you.
War doesn’t determine who’s right, it determines who’s left.
I was raised not to be rude, but I also try to get the best work out of people.
I have a rude thought every three seconds!
I don’t hate you I’m just not necessarily excited about your existence.
Some people are living with a double personality like mean inside but nice outside.
I’m not rude, i’m honest. i just speak what’s on my mind, even if most van’t handle the truth.
I hate you with the same amount of passion that I once loved you with.
I hate you for the sacrifices you made for me.
Sometimes goodbye is just a painful way to say I love you.
Don t be afraid of sacrificing your life to God.
I love you hurts more than I hate you when I know I can’t have you.
I hate you for the way you smile when you look at me.
Smile in front of people who hate you.. Ur happiness kills them..
I hate the fact that I thought you were the one. I also hate the fact that I was completely wrong.
Sometimes I love you, sometimes I hate you, but there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t miss you.
One of the few things that can’t be recycled is wasted time.
The problem is I truly hate you but I just can’t stop loving you.
I hate you… hate you more than anything.
I tell you I like you all the time. Or at least in my head, I do..
Ever since I met you, no one else is worth thinking about!
I know you won’t come back but my heart will take life long time to accept this.
It’s better to alone than to be with looser.
Sometimes goodbye is just a painful way to say I love you.
One good thing about you, you’re easy to ignore.
I don’t hate you, I hate what you do, and who you have become as a person.
I love you more than words can define, feelings can express and thought can imagine.
When I love you it’s real and when you get on my bad side, I hate you.
Love is when you look into someones eyes and see everything you need.
Of Course I talk to myself, because sometimes I need Expert Advice.
I hate to fight. I like to love. But I will fight for what I love.
There’s always one person that everybody else loves but you HATE.
I hate you from the bottom of my heart.
No matter how much I say I hate you, just know I still care.
I love you all because hate is my enemy.
Its not that i hate you oh wait i do hate you.