Best Quotes Clever Status


ave your back, and those who stab you in
If waking up to a smiling baby isn’t the best thing in this entire world I don’t know what is!
Baby, don’t worry about my past, because you are my present, and hopefully my future
By now you have probably heard… i have to admit its true, i AM awesome
<– You will also find this picture next to Awesome in the dictionary, True story
Don’t assume something. You either know something or you don’t. There is no in between.
Those who always focus on what they don’t have instead of appreciating what they do have, will always be unsatisfied.
It’s better to be thankful for the things you have, instead of complaining about the things you don’t have
now taking applications if your single and a nice guy doesn’t cheat and is willing to have my heart and not break it message me.
To discover a person’s real character, see how their animals are treated.
Forgiveness will make you a better person, holding a grudge will make you a bitter person.
really needs to go and buy a new Halo – this one doesn’t work anymore
It’s amazing how being called Beautiful can make you feel so good
Isn’t it funny how someone can still expect so much pity from everyone while taking advantage of everyone at the same time
remember, Addiction is a disease, as is cancer. you wouldn’t judge one with cancer so don’t judge an addict!!
Your actions and words have consequences, be sure you can live with them.
smoking will never make you old.. because you’ll die young.
If you have the strength to speak, you should have the courage to listen.
People only pay attention to you when you start ignoring them !!
Nobody is as ugly as their ID pictures and nobody is as cute as their Facebook profile pics.
God must be very creative, I am the living proof !
If you want to fly with eagles…than stop swimming with ducks.
Speak my mind. I never mind what I speak.
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 spot the miskate.
Do I turn left, when nothing is right? Or do I turn right, when there?s nothing left?
It wondering why Facebook bothers to give the option of …liking…. my own comment…. Of course I like my own comments.
Without ME….. it’s just AWESO…….
Hard work never kills you… it just keeps you away from Facebook…
I said no to drugs… but they simply would not listen.
Not all men are fools. There are still some bachelors.
Feels like getting some work done…and so he is sitting down until the feeling passes.
Men are like bank accounts. Without a lot of money they don’t generate a lot of interest.
Standing on the front lawn with his pants down waiting for the Google Earth Car to drive by and take a photo .
I am juz having a fcked up life..
Sometimes I just want to run up to a stranger on the street and say….YOU ARE IT… and then run away.
Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
If money does not grow on trees then why do banks have branches.
If you can grow marijuana on Farm ville then sell it on Mafia Wars.
If you have a headache, do what it says on the aspirin bottle? Take two and KEEP AWAY FROM CHILDREN.