Dreams Flirty Quotes


51. The most beautiful clothes that can dress a woman are the arms of the man she loves.
52. What time do you have to be back in heaven?
53. You can love me or hate me I swear it won't make me or break me.
54. Girl: Why are you following me? Boy: My parents told me to always follow my dreams.
55. Falling in love with you is the second-best thing in the world. Finding you is the first.
56. Did the sun just come out or did you just smile at me?
57. Age does not protect us from love, but love to some extent protects us from age.
58. You have no ideas how much you mean to me.
59. You are the first person who has been able to make my heart beat slower and faster at the same time.
60. Come live in my heart, and pay no rent.
61. I was wondering if you had an extra heart mine seems to have been stolen.
62. I am a fish out of water without you.
63. I looked at a flower and thought it was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen till I met you.
64. Talking to you is the favourite part of my day.
65. When I want to smile, I know exactly what to do, I just close my eyes and think of you.
66. My heart is mine but whenever I argue with it about you, it takes your side.
67. Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you was beyond my control.
68. You give me the kind of feeling people write novels about.
69. All the birds in the sky, all the fish in the sea, will never explain what you mean to me.
70. Honestly, I have no idea how to live without you.
71. If someone throws a stone at you, throw a flower at them. But remember to throw the flower pot with it.
72. The stars must be jealous. You shine way better than them.
73. If you don't smoke, I don't know why.
74. 8 billion people in this world and I only want you.
75. We met, we talked, we liked, we dated, we committed, I loved, you cheated, we're done, and you’re deleted.
76. Do you have any sunscreen? Because you are burning me up.
77. Why do I love you? Because I finally learned what the word means, and you were the one who showed me.
78. Heart changes, I know they do but this heart always belongs to you.
79. How scary would it be if everything that popped into your head was automatically posted to Facebook?
80. I used to be a terrible flirt. I am much better at it now.
81. To be perfectly honest I don't really give a damn what my status says. I'm just so glad you’re wasting your time reading it.
82. You seems like an oxygen to me, without you it’s hard for me to breath.
83. I'd be lying if I say you entered my mind many times. Because, you only entered once, since then you never came out?
84. When I count my blessings, I count you twice.
85. If people are trying to pull you down. Be proud about it, because it only confirms that you are above them.
86. Every time I look into your eyes I see my paradise.
87. The Greatest thing in life is finding someone who knows all of your mistakes and weaknesses and still finds you completely amazing and will never walk away.
88. God made mud, God made dirt, God made guys so girls can flirt.
89. You’re like a password. Hard to figure out, but I always want to keep trying.
90. I need you like a heart needs a beat.
91. Statistics say that one in four people are insane, so take a look at your three best friends and if they are all OK, it’s you.
92. I can't read lips unless they are touching mine.
93. Like a drum my heart, never stops beating for you.
94. I will hold you in my heart, till I can hold you in my arms.
95. I don't have the heart to hurt you, that's the last thing I want to do, but I don't have the heart to love you, not the way you want me to.
96. It makes me smile to wake up next to you.
97. If loving you is a price, I would pay my life to you.
98. The only person that goes through my mind is you.
99. I’m not just falling for you every day, I’m falling for you every second.
100. I don’t need to dream, I got you.