
	 “Last night I hugged my pillow & dream of You… I wish that someday I’d dream about my pillow… and I’d be hugging you! Good Night My Love :)”	
	 “What does crack and you have in common? They keep a person up all night long waiting to get their next fix”	
	 “As the thief was leaving the house, the child woke up & said to the thief: “Take my school bag also, or else I’ll wake up my mom” Have a good night”	
	 “If you feel little bored, little sick, little lost, little sad, you know what’s wrong? Your suffering from lack of Vitamin Me! Good Night!”	
	 “I love food and sleep If I give you a bit of food or text you all night, that means something :)”	
	 “Where do you sleep at night? I always imagined that angels slept in silk sheets with the moon shining on them”	
	 “ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ*# Thank God all the keys of my keypad are working No go to sleep and have a good night! :)”	
	 “Whenever I have a problem, I just sing, Then I realize my voice is worse than my problem Have a good night my dear :)”	
	 “I have an advice for a good night: Always borrow money from a pessimist He won’t expect it back”	
	 “Did you know that behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes? Have a sweet good night!”	
	 “Everyone has an annoying friend If you don’t have one, it’s probably you Have a great night my dear!”	
	 “Honey, please remember that asking if I’m hungry is like asking if I want money The answer is always YES Have a good night :)”	
	 “My dear, when I die, I want my grave to offer free Wifi so that people visit more often Have a lot of funny dreams :)”	
	 “Did you know this about me? My goal in life isn’t to become famous or powerful… it’s to make enough money to eat whatever I want Good night, sleep tight!”	
	 “I trust a lot of people not to kill me every day And I thank you for not doing so until no Sweet dreams & good night”	
	 “Doing nothing is a very hard thing to do as you never know when to finish 🙂 So I wish you a good night and a productive tomorrow!”	
	 “Just tell this the next time someone will be bad to you: Please be patient even a toilet can handle only one ass hole at a time Have only sweet dreams, my dear”	
	 “Honey, have a good night & remember: Life is short Buy the damn shoes”	
	 “Always remember – never go to bed angry Just stay awake and plot revenge 🙂 Good night, darling”	
	 “A little advice before you go to bed: The best way to get a man to do something is to suggest he’s too old for it Good night!”