
	Funny Hunny – Dating the class clown? This is the pet name for you.	
	Monkey – A perfect name for a cheeky and playful dude.	
	Nutty – It’s cute because we’re all a little nutty sometimes!	
	Quackers – Perfect for a man who’s cute, but a little weird.	
	Spanky – You want to spank his ass!	
	Obi-Wan – This is great for Star Wars fan!	
	Wonka – Like a Wonka from the Chocolate Factory.	
	Bagel – You really really really like him.	
	Spongebob – We all know funny SpongeBob, don’t we?	
	Big Mac – He is big like a Mac, like a BIG MAC!	
	Big Stinky Pete – Now this one needs nothing else to write down.	
	Frodo – He needs to destroy the One Ring to Rule them All!	
	Alf – Like a little weird alien.	
	Wreck-It Ralph – He wants to destroy everything.	
	Toastmaster – He knows how to speak in every situation.	
	Girth – Ehm, ladies?	
	Taco – Mexicans really like tacos, am I right?	
	Godzilla – Big and wants to destroy everything!	
	Bob Zombie – He wants to eat your brains!	
	Dirty Bird – This guy says always dirty things.