Happy New Year Quotes


♥ I am looking forward to the morning after New year’s Eve when I wake up next to you! Happy New Year 2020!
♥ As another New Year 2020 is in the corner, this is just the beginning. I enjoyed our first year together and can’t wait to start another with you. Have a great year ahead, darling!
This New Year I wish to be the wind in your hair, the sparkle in your eyes, the smile on your lips, the love in your heart – I just want you to keep you in my soul.
 This New Year 2020 I just have one resolution to make and want to keep it for life – I promise to love you more and more.
Here’s my New Year 2020 gift for you: my heart wrapped with undying love for you. I hope you will treasure it for years to come!
I have seen you improving throughout the past year. Keep it up in the next year as well. Happy New Year 2020!
Thank you for the wonderful support that you have given me throughout the past year! Wishing you a wonderful new year 2020!
May this year brings all the desired success and happiness in your life that you can cherish always. Wish you a successful and prosperous 2020.
May God bless you and keep you always safe and happy: my wish and blessing is not only for today but for the rest of life ahead. May the year 2020 come as the best among the best you have ever imagined for you.
It is time to forget the past and celebrate a new beginning. Happy New Year 2020 .
♥ I know I’m not the easiest person to love, but you’ve always been with me even when I was my worst. Thank you for never letting me go. This New Year 2020 I promise to understand us better.
♥ Every night my thoughts drift to you,Every second my heart beats for you, With you every moment seems so new.
♥ I bow and get down on my knees to thank God for giving me a blessing like you. You are truly the light in my world. Happy New Year 2020 my sweetheart.
Whenever I look into your eyes, I see my whole life in the future; my dream is to have you with me forever! .
As the old year passes by and a new year is coming at our door wish to send you heartiest greetings of pleasure and excellent health. May God bless you and gift you a wonderful year ahead.
Happy New Year 2020 friend. I hope you saved some champagne because I’m going to need some drinks all year.
May you exceed the limits of prosperity and success in the New Year 2020!
May the coming year bring more happiness to you than last year. May you have an amazing year. Happy New Year 2020.
Sun, moon and stars, it’s all so far in the sky. I wish they all comes closer to bless you with all happiness and joy this year a healthy, happy, happy new year 2020 status.
Wish you laughter not smile, pure joy not just happiness, not only wealth but heavenly treasure and great peace of mind. Happy New Year 2020!!
May this New Year 2020 all your dreams turn into reality and all your efforts into great achievements.
Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Kim Kardashian, Beyonce, George Clooney and ME! All the famous wish you a very Happy New Year 2020!
May the New Year 2020 bring happiness, success, love, and loads of luck into your life!
The New Year 2020 will be like the old one if you keep on doing the same old things.
Wishing You A Year Filled With Great Joy Peace And Prosperity Have A Wonderful Year Ahead Happy New Year 2020!
honestly hope each and every one of you have the best year ever in New Year. Celebrate what you want to see more of Happy New Year 2020!
May the New Year 2020 be as fresh as morning dew, as vibrant as the colors on a butterfly, as serene as Mother Nature and as blissful as the angels from heaven.
“The year is new, the hopes are new, the aspirations are new, but my warm wishes for happiness and prosperity remains the same for you and your family..” ― Happy New Year 2020 in Advance
“As this year is ending, I wish all the negativity and difficulties also end with this year and 2018 bring success and desired results for you..” ― Advance Happy New Year 2020
“Celebrate this New Year with lots of fireworks and welcome it with a blast! Enjoy your time with friends and family. Hold the smile, let the tear go, keep the laugh, lose the pain, look for joy, and abandon the fear.” ― Happy New Year Advance Dear
“The New Year will soon be gone, and so I wish you a good year. My luck the New Year us bring and we the same old pals still be.” ― Happy New Year 2020 Advance
“May this new year be in good health, happiness and affection of those around you. Have a happy new year and you obtain all the happiness you crave.” ― Happy New Year
“I am pretty confident that you will continue to be the most important part of my life in  & the rest of my lifetime. As we’ve stepped into another year, my love is becoming much stronger for you. Thank you for always being there by my side.
“I wish this New Year provides you with enough reasons to be happy and you have uncountable days filled with joy and mirth!”
“I want Υou a progress Happy New Υear in the Βottom of my Ηeart. May Gοd offer you Τhe pleasure Αnd power to οvercome your previous Υear failures.”
“God has united our roads and you and I will do all that we can to make our love lasts forever. This year will be very beautiful and happy for both of us.” ― Happy New Year
“May God spread prosperity and joy in your life on this New Year and fulfill all your dreams.”
“I wish you Happy New Year from the bottom of my heart. May God give you the happiness and strength to overcome your past year failures.” Happy New Year
“May all the goals that you have set for yourself in the near future attain success in the upcoming year itself!” ― Happy New Year  in Advance
“A new year is equal to a blank canvas, and the paintbrush is in none other than your own hands. Paint away and create a beautiful picture for yourself.”
“Good Health, Good Luck and much Happiness Throughout the Year.” ― Happy New Year
“Keep in mind that no New Year can be great. Be that as it may, you have to disregard the negative and grasp the positive.” ― Happy New Year
“You are a dreamer, and you are an achiever. May you dream and achieve bigger feats, with every passing year.” ― Happy New Year
“Celebrating New Year won’t be the same If I will not celebrate it without you. You give meaning to My Life.” ― Happy New Year
“I wish that this New Year the light of faith is bright and steady and may no wind or storm make it flicker or flutter.”
“All of my love to a very special uncle for the coming new year. May each day be filled with joy and laughter and your new year dreams come true!”
“This New Year, may you be blessed with hope for better tomorrow, love to fill up your heart, warmth in your hearth, and happy smiles of your family.”
“On dates like this, only my memory are the most beautiful moments, so I thought of you. Hope you have a happy new year with your family.”
“Expand your friend circles this New Year, meet new people, communicate and make new friends. It’s all about rejoicing and welcoming the New Year in grandeur.”
“Don’t about yesterday, think about tomorrow. Because tomorrow is the chance to correct the mistake of Yesterday.” Happy New Year to All
“One can go back in time to change what has happened. So work on your present to make yourself a wonderful future.” Happy New Year
“If you are not happy being single you will never be happy in a relationship. Get your own life and love it first, then share it.” Happy New Year
“Heartiest Wishes To All My Most Beautiful, Charming, Lovely and Gorgeous Facebook Friends On This New Year !!” Happy New Year
“It’s finally that time of the year when we make false promises to ourselves in the name of resolutions.” Happy New Year
“Throughout this year I have bugged the hell out of you, today I just want to say that I will continue the same in the next year.” Happy New Year
“Wishing you good health, happiness, and success in the coming year and always. ” — Happy New Year
“I wish you cross many milestones and to your destination this year.” — I Wish A Very Happy New Year
“Just like a new bloom spreads fragrance around, let the New Year also fill you with happiness!”
“Every year I make a resolution to Be Myself, but circumstances change me.” Happy New Year
“Thank God for allowing you to have a fresh start and mess it up again.” Happy New Year
“Don’t wait for the luck to come to you, work hard and grab it with both hands.” Happy New Year
“Even if you had one bad year, remember there’s still life ahead.” Happy New Year
“Step into a new year and kick your troubles out of the window.” Happy New Year
“I am sleeping off this New Year so that I can work on my dreams for the next 365 days.” Happy New Year
“Nights will be dark but days will be light, wish your life to be always bright.” — Happy New Year
“Hope The New Year brings loads of good cheer for you, Wish you Happy New Year and good luck.”
“First, you take a drink, then the drink takes a drink, then the drink takes you.” ― Happy New Year
“ Has Come To An End, And You Are Still There. I Know That Even Though The Years May Come And Go,Your Love Is Everlasting.Thank You For That.” ― Happy New Year