Lovely Quotes Collection For Your Love


“The light of your love is as bright as the blazing sun, and only the stars at night can tame your brightness”
“If I run away with you, does that mean that we will never be apart? If so, I will start running as long as you follow”
“I died the moment you left me, I was born the moment that we kissed My life was truly lived the second we spent time together”
“Every morning provides me with the chance to live out my dream life – my life spent being with you”
“Falling in love with just you, again and again, and again, seems like the best way to spend a life”
“I always wanted to be your friend, until the moment that we were friends As soon as we were friends, I wanted to forever be your lover”
“Your name is etched in my heart and soul, and will never be forgotten You are the last remaining piece to a heart that was never quite whole until you were in it”
“Maybe the world is going to hell and maybe there are a lot of things I will never understand, but the one thing I know for certain is that you have made my life worth living I love you”
“The night is worthwhile because I dream of you Opening my eyes in the morning is worthwhile because you’re by my side”
“Thinking of you is almost euphoric The moment you cross my mind, I have a tendency to smile, laugh and feel like the world is perfect”
“Perfection and imperfection are one in the same I love you perfectly in my own imperfect way”
“In your eyes I see hope, I see dreams, I see that the world isn’t as simple as people make it out to be The world is complex, and that complexity is only displayed when you love someone more than you love yourself”
“Who wants to spend an eternity in heaven when spending a moment with you is possible?”
“I see the stars in your eyes In your smile, I see heaven In the clouds, I see you – my angel”
“True love doesn’t need to run smooth It just needs to run until perfection is found”
“If you view love as a never-ending journey, you will see that it started the moment I met you and has ceased to end”
“The best thing in the world was finding you The second best thing in the world is loving you”
“You can be a million miles away, but you will forever be close to my heart”
“Kindness and love flow through your life so effortlessly that it can’t help but spread to everyone and everything you come in contact with”
“The complete world has been reshaped The trees are swaying differently, flowers smell different, and the stars seem to be brighter All of this is a consequence of falling in love with you”
“I will hold your hand if you hold my heart”
“Breathing is effortless, but it isn’t as natural or easy as loving you”
“I have seen the path of love The path is narrow and hard to traverse The path of love requires just one person to pass through at a time, yet still be with their lover The path can only be walked when two people become one”
“Your love is like a flame that grows in intensity and power The longer I love you, the more I realize that life wouldn’t be worth living if you weren’t around”
“What do you know about love? I know that it both starts and ends with you”
“You are my first thought in the morning and my last thought before I go to bed No matter how far we are from one another, we’re never truly apart”
“By night time, my heart has pounded so swiftly that the only thing that will calm it down is the touch of your sweet embrace”
“I used to be afraid of the dark The sense of being completely alone was something I couldn’t overcome Now, our hearts are so intertwined that the dark is overcome with your love”
“God asked me what the best thing that I experienced in life was Do you know what I said? You!”
“There is no right or wrong place for love It kind of just happens, and then you’re stuck with it”
“Whoever said that love was worth living for wasn’t lying There is no better reason to live than to love someone so utterly completely”
“In a heartbeat, love comes crashing through the door, overthrowing our lives and making it perfect”
“You may be a million miles from me, but I can still feel the warmth of your heart”
“It may seem impossible to you, but no one in the world has loved you as much as I do at this very moment”
“The moment that you said I love you, I knew you were the one for me”
“To be loved is to be extraordinarily lovable – just like you”
“You’re every reason, every hope that I’ve experienced”
“There will come a day when one of us leaves this earth That is the day that true love will die”
“It all seems perfect Your smile, your hair, the way that you love me and I love you It is the definition of perfect”
“Who the heck wants perfect when you are in the world?”
“There are no rules when it comes to love – just values”
“Accidents don’t happen when we meet people Every person that we meet in life crosses our path for a reason”
“Loving someone means you’re not selfish Love means even if a person doesn’t choose to live their life with you, you just want them to be happy”
“Unfortunately, you need to care less to see if someone will actually care more”
“There is no -second rule when it comes to love You can’t put it down and pick it up later without fear of someone being hurt in the process”
“Love is not a sprint The strongest, most beautiful love is love that has been through a marathon and still stays together”
“You can be the strongest person in the world, but love can make you feel invincible”
“True love and happy endings don’t exist True love is the one thing that has no ending at all”
“I think it’s only fair if I ask you to give me your heart because you already have mine in the palm of your hands”
“You must always love the person that deserves it most; not the person that requires it”