Our Wednesday Quotes


Wednesday:  It’s almost, sorta, kinda, close to, just about, nearly the weekend.
Keep Calm.  It’s only Wednesday.  We still have 2 more days to go.
It seems to be Wednesday today, but I want to kill everyone, like on Monday.
It’s Wednesday! Have a wonderful and blessed day!
To some, it’s Hump Day. To us, it’s Wednesday’s getting its ass kicked and Thursday just asking Friday to switch places.” – Dwayne Johnson
It’s woohoo Wednesday. Today is going to be a good day.
Did you say it’s only Wednesday? Can I have more coffee please?
It’s only Wednesday. Put your ‘it’s only Wednesday’ face expression on.
Nothing screws your Friday more than realizing that it’s only Wednesday.
TGIW – thank God it’s Wednesday!
It’s Wednesday. That means that we are over the hump!
Keep Going.  You’re half-way to the weekend.
I would come home from school every Wednesday, order pizza, and watch ‘X-Files.’ I was devoted. (Ben Foster)
It’s Wednesday! I’m breathing. I’m healthy. I’m truly blessed. I’m grateful for this day
On Wednesday afternoons I could be practically anything. (Kit Williams)
Keep your head high, keep your chin up, and most importantly, keep smiling, because life’s a beautiful thing and there’s so much to smile about.
Wednesday is a day to help others celebrate life. You and only you are accountable for what you extend and give to others. One smile not only increases your value but it gives joy to each person you meet.
On Wednesday, when the sky is blue, and I have nothing else to do, I sometimes wonder if it’s true That who is what and what is who. – Winnie-the-Pooh
Happy Wednesday! The sun is shining! It’s a brand new day, and I’m alive!
Happy Wednesday! Cast your love to all, trust in the team to which you are joined, and do not do wrong to others for your own self gratification.
“Elephants love Wednesday, and so will you.” – Anthony T. Hincks
When a day you happen to know is Wednesday starts off sounding like Sunday, there is something seriously wrong somewhere.
After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says W – T – F.
Monday for wealth, Tuesday for health, Wednesday the best day of all: Thursday for crosses, Friday for losses, Saturday no luck at all.
Wednesday’s child is full of woe.
When the president decides something on Monday, he still believes it on Wednesday – no matter what happened Tuesday.
I like the good life too much, I’m not good at going on stage night after night and on wet Wednesday afternoons.
Wednesdays were the best thing about Atlantis. The middle of the week was a traditional holiday there. Everyone stopped work and celebrated the fact that half the week was over
Help!!!! Why is Wednesday spelled like that !!!! – Blake Shelton
On Wednesdays we wear pink. from “Mean Girls”
When people refer to ‘Back in the Day,’ it was a Wednesday. Just a little fun fact for you. Dane Cook
Wednesdays were the best thing about Atlantis. The middle of the week was a traditional holiday there. Everyone stopped work and celebrated the fact that half the week was over. – Walter Moers
“Wednesdays will always bring smiles for the second half of the week.” –Anthony T. Hincks
I’ve heard of Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, but I’ve never heard of Someday. – Reverend Ike
By Wednesday, work is something that’s easy to complain about. But at the end of the day, you’re making money and making a living.
If you do not want to work the third consecutive day, today is Wednesday.
When you work without a weekend, Monday is no longer frightening, Friday is not happy, but Wednesday is still fucked up.
Wednesdays are like Mondays in the middle of the week! I don’t even feel like working.
I went out there for a thousand a week, and I worked Monday, and I got fired Wednesday. The guy that hired me was out of town Tuesday.
Boss: This is the third time you’ve been late to work this week. Do you know what that means?  Me: It’s Wednesday?
Wednesday, pronounced as ‘wenzdei’, noun, meaning ‘Still not Friday’.
“My job is to give people who work hard all week something to enjoy on Saturdays and Wednesdays.” – Arsene Wenger
“Happiness is an attitude. We either make ourselves miserable, or happy and strong. The amount of work is the same.”– Carlos Castaneda
Practical! On Wednesday afternoons I could be practically anything. What’s up? – Kit Williams
Work hard, be kind, and amazing things will happen. – Conan O’Brien
Every morning starts a new page in your story. Make it a great one on Wednesday!
Wednesday has come – the week has passed.
I don’t really have any position to complain about my job. Yeah, every job has its moments like, Ah, you know, it’s Wednesday. But I’m blessed. I love my work. (John Darnielle)
“Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others. Unsuccessful people are always asking, “What’s in it for me?”