Romantic statuses to show him your love


“When we first met, I knew you were special. 
Now, I know just how strong and
compassionate a man you truly are, and
I’m grateful for every day that I spend with you.”
“You bring out the best in me. 
No other boyfriend would bring
out my colors as well as you do.”
“You’re the only man I dream about at night, 
and the only man I want to wake up next to in the morning.”
“My favorite place in the world is 
lying in your arms, gazing into your beautiful eyes.”
“You are the prince I’ve dreamt of. . . . 
finding ever since I was a little girl.”
“My sweet prince I loved you once, 
love you still, always have and always will.”
“A true man does not need to love a different girl each and every night, 
A true man loves the same girl for the rest of her life.”
“When I’m with you, hours feel like seconds. 
But when we’re apart, days feel like years.”
“Love is not a maybe thing. 
You know when you’re in love.”
“In the middle of life, 
love enters and make it a fairy tale.”
“We come to love not by finding a perfect person but 
by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.”
“True Love is not based upon romance, 
candlelight dinner and walk along the beach.
In fact, it’s based on care, compromise, respect, and trust.”
“You have no idea how fast 
my heart beats when I see you!”
“Getting over him sounds great but 
being in his arms sounds a lot better.”
“Every time you texts me my cheeks hurt! 
I guess I smile too big.”
“Being someone’s first love may be great 
but to be their last is beyond perfect.”
“I promise you no one 
will ever love you as I do.”
“The best relationship is when you two 
can act like lovers and best friends.”
“Be aware to touch me… 
you may be a victim of Love.”
“When I dream, I dream of you. 
Maybe one day, dreams will come true.
Because I really love you.”