Sad quotes deep meaning of Heart Broken.


All-day is not the same, you need to wait and be patient for the good things to happen
Crying alone does not show that you are weak but it shows that you are strong
Wipeout your own tears, because if people come to you they will come for a deal
When you feel the pain, just remember it’s the signal that your sins are getting less
I wish I could ignore you as you did
Never let to know the reason of your sadness to others, they won’t get it
They just ask you how are you? You told them you are fine but you are not really fine
Never compare yourself with others because they don’t know your bad time and you don’t know about theirs
If you get a reason to be happy, take it Life is small
You can’t hide your feeling as it can clearly be seen by your eyes
If you are a good heart person, you are going through more shit than any other
Finding true love is not difficult but to maintain it is very difficult
Make her smile even if you are the reason for her sadness
Friendship leads to love, Love leads to new life
You treated me like a Chapter but for me, you were my Book
Love is not just physical, but it is about emotional, mental, feeling, caring
Don’t say no directly to anyone, All are not the same
If a girl talks to you cares for you that means she needs you all the time
In love, you will have fights but the fight should not go long but the love should go long forever
If you ever get rejected by anyone, don’t worry the problem is not in you but in that person
Don’t test your love, you just need to experience
Love to your loved ones as you did never before
Don’t be in confusion, this may lead to separation
One-sided love is purely yours, no other person has right on that
I did love you even when you left me alone
After every dark night, there is a brighter day waiting for you
It seems to me that when I will not be there people will miss me
I was not myself but yet nobody ever noticed
People will see your success but they won’t see your struggle
People with golden hearts are not easy to get, they are real gems of life
Tears are words that can’t be explained
If you are sad, think about the poorest person
Finishing everything is not the solution, your life is not just yours
Never make your mother cry, she did everything for you before your birth
Life is hard, you need to be strong from inside
If you are not getting what you want, change the path
Broken crayons still colors
You can wipe out someone’s tear but not their memory
It’s better to leave early rather than to feel the pain all the time
When you don’t need it, everyone will come but when you need no one comes
One better relation creates many relationships
The relationship is about feelings, it should not be materialistic
You can’t clap with one hand, for a good relationship one hand should be of him and another hand should be of her
It’s very difficult to forget someone who had given you so many memories
I always waited for your text but you never text me
I smiled U smiled, I cried U cried, I loved U loved and all those never happened again
Just do it everything for him, don’t expect anything in return
In the beginning, you might not love him, but if you can his love probably then you might fall in love
The relationship is not just meant for making love but to be with each other for lifelong
I wish I could lose this memory as fast as I lost you