Super 100 Hated Quotes


TRUST…. Only a group of FiVe alphabets for ME……..
Life doesn’t always gives a second chance….treasure it..
Wish if I had a block option in my brain so that I would have blocked all your thoughts
Pretty words are not always true and true word are not always pretty♡
Karma is a bitch. And when the bitch barks, people complain about her being noisy…
I will never forget you, but I will try not to remember you again..
If You dont like me Get a map Drive to hell, Have a nice journey.
When I See Your FACE, The Middle Finger Raised n say FCK You ,,|,,
I Hate u Because I Love you, I Know You Love Me But your ego stopped You.
Its better to alone than to be with loosers…….
What I hate more than bullies are those that standby and do nothing!!
If you dont like me, why do you talk about me? Its called jealousy! Live your own, life not mine!
People don’t like to see u bless they want you to stay on their level.
It’s a shame that your so worried about my life, that you don’t have one of your own.
haters will learn to love me, lovers will learn to hate me, but no matter what happens you will never learn to break me.
Before you hate me, let me give you a reason.
oh you don’t like me well my baseball bat would like to have a sleepover with your face.
I want you to feel guilty from what you did to me. I want you to feel broken too from the pain I had to go through.
wants one guy to prove that they are not all the same. I guess I’ll be waiting a while.
i hate how we went from being strangers,to friends,to close friends, to almost something more, to nothing.
Sometimes i really think i have BETTER Friends than, "Family".
Sometimes I hate my eyes,because it’s the only part of my face that can’t hide my real emotions…
A few people say they care and love me, yet… I feel like the most hated person on earth.
love how people ALWAYS have something to say about you. But NEVER have anything to say about themselves.
When everyone needed someone i was there for everyone, Now when i need someone there is none..
It hates when people can run their mouths behind yer back. Grow some balls and say it to my face!!!
It’s funny how your friendship with someone can totally change when you see their true color. Glad I’m not color blind!
Words can sting like any thing, but silence breaks the heart.
It takes a few seconds to hurt people you love, but it takes years to heal. Try not to hurt your near and dear ones.
I know that I’m not suppose to hate anyone, but I am so sure that God would understand on this one.
While you’re hating your life just because you can’t get what you want, someone is praying to have a life like yours.
If I treated you how you treated me… trust me… you would hate me.
I regret the fact that I exposed a love as pure as mine, to a heart as dirty as yours. I hate you.
People like you are the reason we have middle fingers. I hate you!
It still hurts to see that you are doing completely okay… Without me… Hate you too much!
My heart is pink – bubbly, innocent, alive and throbbing with love. Yours is black – deceiving, manipulative, unreliable and full of evil. I hate you.
Calling you an idiot would be an insult to all the stupid people. I hate you!
I am drowning in a pool of misery but I’d rather die than be saved by you. I hate you.
Read twice thrice or even 100 times you can hurt a heart only till it loves you… Not after it starts hating you..!
My hate for you is undying and it will never pause, just like how my love for you once was. I hate you.
What’s the point of putting on makeup, a monkey is gonna stay a monkey. I hate you ugly hearted.
I will get over my heartbreak soon but I will never stop wishing the worst for you. I hate you.
Moving on from a loser like you is going to be easy but healing the scars of being betrayed by you is going to be difficult. I hate you.
As you go through life you are going to have many opportunities to keep your mouth shut. Take advantage of all of them.
Yes, you do have a right to your opinion…And I have a right to mine. And my opinion is that your opinion is ridiculously stupid!
No, I don’t hate you, I just hate the things you do and have done.
I hate you from the bottom of my heart.
Hey plain and simple…I F…ING HATE YOU.
Stupidity is not a crime so you are free to go.
I Don’t Hate You, I Just .. I ..Yeah… Never Mind I Hate You.
I hate you with the same amount of passion that I once loved you with.
No matter how much I say I hate you, just know I still care.
At first I got sad, then I got mad, then I got tired and now I’m exhausted.
I hate it when people randomly change.
Famous teenager lines, “I hate everything”.
I hate how I let the dumbest things bother me sometimes.
I honestly hate knowing that I will never have you.
It’s not that I hate you oh wait I do hate you.
I hate all the bullshit…and heart brakes!
I just want to punch a wall as hard as I can. I hope I miss and it hits your face.
I HATE when people accuses me of doing something when in reality they are the ones that are doing it.
I hate everything about you and your drama oh and that new slut you have.
I will always hate you for breaking my heart and hurting my feelings. I hate you a lot.
Because you walked AWAY from me, I hope that someday someone walks all OVER you. I hate you.
All this while I lived for your happiness, now I will live on my own. I hope karma makes you suffer, for the betrayal you have shown. I hate you.
I hate you so much that I don’t just want to forget our relationship, I even want to forget your ugly face and your stupid name.
I loved you even more than the love I do for myself. Those days are just memory now. Now I hate you as you deserve.
If I say something that offends you, let me know so I can do it again later. Your lips are moving, but all I hear is “blah blah blah…
You should get an Academy Award for being the best male actor of the year. Not once did I realize that you were cheating on me. I hate you.
I never imagined that your voice, which was once music to my ears, would one day be the knife in my heart. I hate you.
It was not an easy task to forget you. Yes, I did it. Finally, I do forget you, but I will never forgive you, liar. It’s a text to let you know, that I hate you. I hate you a lot!
No matter where I am, what I am doing or how old I become – I will always hate you for breaking my heart and hurting my feelings. I hate you.
You’re so ugly that when you cry, the tears roll down the back of your head…just to avoid your face. I hate you!
The void you have left in my life would rather be empty than be filled with thoughts of a spineless creature like you. I hate you.
Life is an incurable Disease.
Life is divided into the horrible and the miserable.
I hate myself for still thinking about you.
I wish I could look in the mirror and like what I see.
I don’t believe in man, God, nor the Devil. I hate the whole damned human race including myself.
Not everything happens for a reason. Sometimes life just sucks.
I’m not even a person anymore. I’m just stress and sadness.
I get into these moods where I hate myself, I hate life and I hate the people around me. I don’t know why…
What can I say? I am a pathetic disaster, and I give up.
Life is not lost by dying; life is lost minute by minute, day by dragging day, in all the thousand small uncaring ways.
I don’t really care what you think about me because it’s guaranteed that you’ll never be able to hate me more than I hate myself, so go ahead.
Trust gets you killed, love gets you hurt and being real gets you hated. All worth it.
I hate myself more than I hate others. I’m miserly egoistic even with hate.
I don’t hate you for not loving me anymore, but I hate myself for still loving you.
I hate people who break their promises, but sometimes I hate myself more for once believed in their sweet words and lies.
When I love you it’s real and when you get on my bad side, I hate you.
I hate you for the way you smile when you look at me.
I hate you for the sacrifices you made for me.
If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend who you hate.
Sometimes I love you, sometimes I hate you, but there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t miss you.
The problem is I truly hate you but I just can’t stop loving you.
I don’t have time to hate people because I’m busy loving people who love me.
Sometimes goodbye is just a painful way to say I love you.
It’s better to alone than to be with looser.
I know you won’t come back but my heart will take life long time to accept this.
Love is really just Hate in Disguise.